Friday, December 16, 2011

Chhattisgarh State Teacher Eligibility Test 2011 - CGTET

Chhattisgarh State Teacher Eligibility Test 2011Syllabus (For becoming teacher of classes one to five)

1. Child development and Pedagogy (30 Questions)
Unit 1: Introduction to child development Concept of development, stages of development – pre natal/infancy/early and post childhood/adolescence, physical, cognitive, social development, factors affecting development –nature, nutrition, continuity and discontinuity, early and later experiences, social and cultural background of child development, knowledge about different methods to study children
Unit 2: Growth factor (a) Physical and motor development, development of physical control and coordination (b) Emotional and Moral development
Some basic principles, change in the body parts and their proportions, development of control (macro and micro), emotional development, moral development, (school and home environment, friend, groups and relation with adults, social and cultural background of child development, personality development and socialization
Unit 3: Learning and cognitive developmentWhat is learning and how children learn? Review of different theories- behavioral, structural, social concepts. What is Cognition? Views of Jean piaget on children’s thinking, construction of knowledge, schema, assimilation, accommodation, organization, equilibrium, characteristics of adolescent thinking, development of thinking from early childhood to adolescence and its stages, sensory, motor, preoperation, concrete operation, formal operation, what is mental operation? educational importance of Piaget’s theories, Lev Vygotsky’s theory, Zone of Proximal development (ZPD), Role of teachers in scaffolding
Unit 4: Children with Special Needs
Children with Special Needs- meaning, defect, damage, disability, similarity in differences, working with differently abled children
Knowledge and Syllabus- need of a syllabus, concept of syllabus, concept of curriculum, problems in syllabus construction, criteria for the selection of syllabus, Right to Education Act-2009 (role and responsibilities of teachers), child right.

2. Hindi हिन्दी (30 Questions)
इकाई-1: वर्ण विचारस्वर, व्यंजन, अक्षर, वर्तनी, लिंग, वचन आदि। संधि (स्वर-संधि, व्यंजन संधि, विसर्ग संधि),
इकाई-2: शब्द विचारशब्द रूप और शब्द रचनाए स्रोत के आधार पर शब्दों के वर्ग - तत्सम, तद्भव, देशज, विदेशी;
अर्थ के आधार पर शब्द भेद - पर्यायवाची शब्द, विलोम शब्द, अनेकार्थी षब्द।
इकाई-3: शब्द रचना-उपसर्ग, प्रत्यय, समास, अनेक शब्दों या वाक्यांष के लिए एक शब्द।
इकाई-4: पद व पद-भेद
संज्ञा, संज्ञा के प्रकार, कारक-चिह्न, सर्वनाम, विषेषण, क्रिया, ।
इकाई-5: वाक्य परिचयवाक्य के अंग, वाक्य के भेद, पदक्रम।
इकाई-6: रचना
मुहावरे तथा लोकोक्तियां, अपठित गद्यांष
इकाई-7: भाषा एवं मानव का संबंध
जीव विज्ञानी - इंसान और जानवर की भाषा में फर्क /कारक, क्यों है?
सामाजिक -इंसानी विचार की संरचना में भाषा की भूमिका -I . भाषा एवं विचार; II. भाषा एवं ज्ञान; III . भाषा एवं अस्तित्व
इकाई-8: बच्चों की भाषाई विकास की प्रक्रियाः-
भाषा विकास के चरण। बच्चे स्कूल आने से पहले क्या-क्या, सीख कर आते हैं।
बच्चे भाषा कैसे सीखते हैं। स्कूल आने वाले बच्चों में भाषा सीखने की प्रक्रिया के गुण। बच्चों की भाषा सीखने की क्षमता ।
इकाई-9: बच्चों में भाषाई क्षमता एवं उनका विकासः-
पढना क्या है? अर्थ निकालने की प्रकिया। भाषा,अर्थ ग्रहण करना एवं अर्थ निर्माण।
भाषा सुनना, बोलना, पढ़ना, लिखना और इसका अंतः संबंध।

3. English (30 Questions)
Unit 1 : How can English be taught:
1.1 Introduction
1.2 a) How to encourage children to learn a new language?
1.2 b) Motivation
1.3 NCF 2005 and Teaching of English
1.4 Materials and activities to facilitate learning
1.5 How to teach with the help of a text book?
1.6 Using children’s literature for teaching English
Unit 2 : Teaching Plan and Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation
2A1. Teaching Plan :
2A.1 Need of a Teaching Plan
2A.2 Components of a teaching plan
2A.3 Format of a teaching plan
2A.4 Points to Remember
2 B. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)
25B.1 Meaning
2B.2 Assessment of learning, for learning and as learning
2B.3 Tools and techniques
2B.4 Identifying and writing objectives.
2B. 5 The art of asking questioning
2B.6 Assessment and Evaluation: NCF-05
2B.7 Plan learning, Plan assessment and expect the unexpected
2B.8 Feedback
Unit 3 : English Grammar
3.1 Numbers, Gender, Articles
3.2 Pronoun, Adjectives, Verb
3.3 Use of some important Conjunctions.
3.4 Use of some important Prepositions.
3.5 Antonyms, Synonyms.
3.6 Pairs of words, One word substitution.
Unit 4 : English Language Comprehension- Passage

4. Mathematics (30 Questions)
Unit 1: Nature of mathematics
How mathematical thaughts are deoveloped? Nature of mathematics. Thinking in mathematical manner, abstraction, specialisation and generalisation.
Unit 2: Teaching-learning and evaluation of mathematics Preparation of models for learning, learning means roating (banking model), learning means learning programming means construction of understandign, practices in teaching, constructive evaluation in class room, development of abstract thoughts, conceptual and procedural knowledge.
Unit 3:a. Decimal System
Metric system, length, area, volume, mass, measurement of time.
b. Numbers
Integers, even, odd, indivisible and divisible numbers, ascending and descending orders, place value.
c. Simple and decimal fractions
Comparison of fractions, their rules, conversion of decimal fraction into simple fraction.
d. Equation of numeral expressions
Simplification of expressions, use of BODMAS
e. Square root
Methods of square root calculation- multiplication and division method. Calculation of square root of decimal numbers
f. HCF and LCM
What are HCF and LCM? Formula to solve related problems.
g. Average
Methods for calculation of average
h. Percentage
Meaning of percentage, conversion of percentage into decimal and conversion of conversion of decimal into percentage.
i. Simple Interest
What is simple interest? Formulae related questions
j. Profit and loss
Purchase-sale value, profit-loss and expressing them in percentage and Rupees.
k. Laws of Ratio & Proportion
Laws of Ratio & Proportion simple
l. Speed, time, and distance
Formula to calculate speed, time and distance.
m. Unitary law, time, work and wages.
n. Area and magnitude
o. Volume
Measurements of solids- length, breadth and height, volume, cube and cuboid
p. Time

5. Environmental Studies (30 Questions)
Unit 1 : Understanding ones own environment
What is environment? Components of environemtnt- Social, economical, natural, cultural . Interaction among components of environment. Relevance of environment in present context. Interesting environment from children’s point of view.
Unit 2 : Understanding of children on environmentUnderstanding of children, perception of children, understanding of children of to 7 and 8 to 14 year about environment. How to asses the knowledge of children about environment? How do children learn? Role of adults and society in learning of sounds and experience of children.
Unit 3 : Why to teach environmental studies
Relevance of environmental studies in curriculum, formation of concepts, concepts of social studies at primary level. What is skill? Development of skills.
Unit 4 : Teaching of Social StudiesTeaching of science, teaching of social studies, activities in class room teaching reading of pictures, understanding of pictures drawn by children, understanding of day-night and seasons, measurement of time, reading and understanding of maps.
Unit 5 : Environmental studies and class room activities
What is activity? Collection of materials for activities, planning and organisation of class room activities, small activities and discussion on them, area tour, survey, project, library- as learning resource, evaluation, good class room.
Unit 6 : Family
Interrelationl, nuclear and joint family, social evils (child marriage, dowary system, child labour, theft), ediction (liquor abuse, smoking) and their bad effects on individuals, society and economy.
Unit 7 : Care of ones own bodyCare of ones own body- external parts of body and their cleanliness, general information of internal system of human body, information on balanced diet and its importance, general diseases ( amiobiosys, metahaemoglobin, animia, fluorosys, maleriya, dengu) causes and measures of prevention from them, pulse polio project.
Unit 8 : Ecological SystemStructure of ecological system, living and non living components, food cycle and food network, flow of energy in ecological system, transformation of energy, material cycle, oxygen cycle, coordination of nature’s cycle.

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